Sprawling through the town of Waimea from Parker Ranch Historic Homes to Church Row Park, the annual Waimea Cherry Blossom Heritage Festival invites families to enjoy the festivities, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 1.
The festival observes the blooming of the town’s historic cherry trees at Church Row Park and celebrates the age-old Japanese tradition of “hanami” or “cherry blossom viewing party.” The trees typically bloom in early February.
“Meijiro Amid the Blossoms” is the official artwork of this year’s festival by Honokaa artist Janice Gail, who says the idea for it came from her “love of the lighter-colored cherry blossoms” that bloom on a couple of trees at Church Row Park.
Gail describes the painting, saying, “The meijiro, or Japanese White Eye, is a common backyard bird and placing it perched on a cherry blossom branch is fitting. I added a snow-topped Mauna Kea as I often see that image in my mind.”
Attendees will enjoy a full lineup of multicultural performing arts and hands-on demonstrations along with crafters and food booths. Participating venues will be marked with a tall pink festival banner and include Parker Ranch Historic Homes, Parker Ranch Center, Church Row Park and Pukalani Stables. Parking will be at Parker Ranch Center, the soccer field across Church Row Park, Kamuela Hardwoods (the restored Old Parker Ranch slaughterhouse) and along Pukalani Street. Roberts Hawaii will provide free shuttle service between each venue.
The event is presented by Hawaii County’s Department of Parks and Recreation and community members.
A free handout, “2025 Festival Activity Lineup,” will be available at the various venues and a free 2025 Souvenir Program will showcase the many organizations that help put the festival together. Both programs are available online via a QR code on posters located throughout the festival and on the festival’s Facebook page.
See below for a list of festival activities and locations. Times are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. Activities are free unless noted.
Church Row Park - Highway 19
- Historical Cherry Tree Display: Waimea Lions’ Club offers a pictorial history of the cherry trees and serves as the festival’s official Lost and Found station. Festival t-shirt sales.
- Entertainment: 9:15 a.m. to 2 p.m., Halau Manaola, Chinese lion dance by Majesty, Ryukukoku Matsuri Daiko Taiko, Hawaiian Duo, Puna Taiko.
- Bonsai Display: The Waimea Bon-yu Kai Bonsai Club offers a display and sale of bonsai, ongoing demonstrations and a clinic to discuss and work on the art of bonsai.
Kamuela Hongwanji - Church Row
- Food and Cherry Branch Sales: Mission members offer Asian food for sale: chichi mochi, andagi and various types of bento. Cherry tree branches for sale if available.
- Cooking Demos: Hawaii chefs offer cooking demonstrations 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Peter Abarcar of Mauna Kea Resort, Kalani Garcia of Four Seasons Resort Hualalai, Allen Hess of FORC, Jayson Kanekoa of Waikoloa Beach Marriott, Alan Wong.
- Open House at Kamuela Hongwanji: Rev. Masanari Yamagishi explains Shin Buddhism rituals.
- Setsubun: Interactive bean throwing ritual to welcome spring and keiki activity presented by Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii.
Parker Ranch Center - Highway 19
- Festival Entertainment Stage: In the center’s back parking lot. A 9 a.m. blessing opens the festival with introduction of dignitaries; entertainment until 3 p.m. Join-in dancing with North Hawaii Bon Dancers accompanied by Kona Hongwanji Taiko and Team Majestic Lion Dancers at 9:20 a.m., followed by Jennie Kaneshiro and CJ Kama, Saddle Road Band, Johnny Ness and the Rock Ness Monsters, Taishoji Taiko.
- Craft Fair: Over 75 crafters and info booths inside and out of the center.
- Mochi Tsuki Pounding: Help pound mochi with members of the Kona Hongwanji Buddhist Temple in the back parking lot starting at 10 a.m. while supplies last; mochi samples.
- Family Craft Activities: Inside Foot Court in the Blue Room.
- Selfie Photo Station: With hashtags #WaimeaCBF, #thinkpink, #parkerranchcenter.
Mana Christian ‘Ohana (Old Kahilu Town Hall) - Lindsey Rd. behind Parker Ranch Center
- Kravin’ Munchies Craft Fair and Quilt Display
- Vehicle Display: IK Dealer Group displays new vehicles from Kama‘aina Motors, Kama‘aina Nissan, Kona Nissan and Kona Auto Center behind the center in the adjacent grassy lot.
Kamuela Hardwoods - Lindsey Rd. behind Mana Christian ‘Ohana (Old Kahilu Town Hall)
- First Saturday Artisan’s Hui, woodworking workshop, showroom tour.
Waimea Historic Corner - At the intersection of Highways 19/190
- Firehouse Gallery Activities: Waimea Arts Council presents 32nd Annual Cherry Blossom Exhibition, “Big Island Blooms,” with originals and prints for sale, including the 2025 festival posters for $10 signed by artist Janice Gail. Outdoor chalk drawing.
- Waimea Preservation Association Cottage: Open house and fun on the 20-foot-square chess board, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Thelma Parker Memorial Public and School Library: Create your own haiku poem and illustrate it in watercolor with guidance from Waimea Arts Council artist. Materials provided (while supplies last).
Parker School Theatre - Lindsey Road
- Asian Music and Dance at 2 p.m.
Parker Ranch Historic Homes - Highway 190
- Free Tours of Historic Homes: Visit Puʻuopelu and Mana Hale, two homes that chronicle the Parker family’s rich history involving monarchs, ranching and Broadway.
- Japanese Tea Ceremony: The Urasenke Hilo Association interactive tea ceremonies, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Feather Lei Making Demos, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Apparel & Accessories Sales: Parker Ranch, cherry-blossom.
Waimea Center - Highway 19
- KTA Super Stores Waimea: Food demos, sampling, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Waimea Center’s Atrium: Entertainment featuring taiko, koto, jazz, lion dance, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Historic Spencer House - Next to Waimea Center, Highway 19
- Japanese Collectibles: View a display of vintage kimono, obi and collection of kokeshi dolls, plus learn about the 1840 Spencer House.
Keck Observatory Headquarters Lawn - Highway 19
- Telescope Viewing: See our nearest star, the Sun!
- Craft Fair and Food Booth/Trucks
Kamuela Liquor Store - Highway 19
- Sake tasting, noon to 3 p.m.
Pukalani Stables - Pukalani Road
- Kamuela Farmers Market: Browse over 70 food and product vendors, including sales of cherry trees and blooming branches, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cooking demos, 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Entertainment featuring Dagan Bernstein, Darlene Ahuna, lion dance, bon dance, 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Face painting, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Holo Holo Ku at Parker Ranch next to Pukalani Stables: Cherry Choo Choo train rides for keiki, $5.
The Waimea Cherry Blossom Heritage Festival is produced by the Hawaii County Parks and Recreation’s Culture and Education Section. This year’s event honors the late Ruth Dick, long-time festival participant as a member of the Waimea Bon-yu Kai Bonsai Club.
Find updates on the festival’s Facebook page.