The Honolulu Rate Commission is holding its meeting on Tuesday and will be accepting public testimony on the proposed fare changes affecting Skyline, TheBus and TheHandi-Van.

What You Need To Know

  • Public testimony on the proposed fare changes will be accepted at the Rate Commission’s monthly meeting scheduled for 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday at the Manoa Falls Conference Room located at 711 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1600

  • The public can attend the meeting either in-person or attend via Zoom using the meeting link

  • Public input assists the Rate Commission in preparing their recommendations to DTS and the Honolulu City Council


This is the second call for public input on the proposed changes. The first call was made in November.

According to the Department of Transportation Services, operating and maintenance costs are rising. The proposed fare changes to public transportation will ensure the reliability, sustainability and flexibility of the city’s transportation system to meet riders’ needs, says DTS, and will maintain service quality across all modes of transport.

DTS also says new and faster TheBus service will be introduced in conjunction with segment 2 of the Skyline rail.

Public testimony on the proposed fare changes will be accepted at the Rate Commission’s monthly meeting scheduled for 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday at the Manoa Falls Conference Room located at 711 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1600.

The public can attend the meeting either in-person or attend via Zoom using the meeting link.

Proposed fare changes include:

  • Increases in monthly pass rates for adults by $10 and youths by $5
  • $110 increase for the adult annual pass
  • $10 decrease in monthly pass fares for Hawaii residents in the senior, Medicare, disabled and low-income categories

There are no proposed changes to single fares for adults, youth and senior HOLO card users.

The Rate Commission will also accept testimony regarding:

  • Open payment
  • Low-income fare programs, recommendations for improvement
  • User fees for Skyline park-and-ride lots

Written testimony can be submitted via email at, faxed to 808-768-4730, or mailed to 711 Kapiolani Blvd., 16th floor, Honolulu HI 96813, Attn: Rate Commission.

Written testimonies, including the testifier’s address, email and phone number, will be publicly available on the Rate Commission website.

Public input assists the Rate Commission in preparing their recommendations to DTS and the Honolulu City Council.