HILO, Hawaii — Following an incident on Tuesday in which a vehicle drove through the makai fence of Kuawa Ballfield in Hilo, Mayor Mitch Roth is calling on residents and visitors to exercise extreme caution on roadways, especially around public facilities where families gather.

At approximately 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, a couple visiting from the mainland accidentally drove their Jeep through the fence, according to a news release. They startled bystanders and caused property damage, but no significant injuries were reported.

First responders, in addition to Roth and Parks and Recreation Director Maurice Messina, arrived on scene to assess damage and assist the visitors.

This is the second time within a year that a vehicle has run into the same section of fencing at Kuawa Ballfield per the release. As a result, Roth will contact the Hawaii State Department of Transportation to discuss preventative measures to improve safety for park users.

“Our parks are cherished spaces for our keiki and families, and the safety of those who use them is our top priority,” said Roth in the release. “We’re grateful that no one was hurt today, but we recognize the need to take proactive steps to ensure incidents like this don’t happen again. We’ll be working closely with the State and our Parks and Recreation team to explore measures that can be put in place to protect our community.”

The mayor urges residents and visitors to drive cautiously when near parks and recreational areas where children and pedestrians are present.