The Hawaii Police Department received three scales that will help them combat agriculture theft, according to a news release. 

The portable scales can weigh more than 500 pounds of produce and print out a receipt showing the produce’s weight. 

HPD will keep the scales at Hilo, Kona and South Kohala police stations for police investigating agricultural thefts to use. 

“We can take the scale to remote parts of the island or farmers markets, weigh the produce on the spot, and return it to its rightful owner,” said Lt. William Derr of HPD’s Hilo Community Policing Section.

The police department received the scales in February and has already used them, which helped in prosecuting a case. 

“The day after we received the scale at the Hilo station, we received a call from officers in the Hamakua district requesting to use it in an agricultural theft case involving more than 100 pounds of bananas,” said Derr.

It was a collaborative effort to get the scales, which was spearheaded by retired Hawaii County Prosecutor Charlene Iboshi, along with the County of Hawaii Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, and the County Office of Research and Development. 

Hawaii County Council members Heather Kimball, Cynthia Evans and Michelle Galimba used their discretionary funds to buy the three scales valued at $1,500. 

HPD, in partnership with the Office of Research and Development, launched an online form for agricultural theft, which simplifies the reporting process for victims, police officers and prosecutors. 

Michelle Broder Van Dyke covers the Hawaiian Islands for Spectrum News Hawaii. Email her at