Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is working to improve its accessibility for people with disabilities, according to a news release. 

The park put together a draft plan that documents existing barriers to accessibility and provides recommendations for improving access within the park. The plan also lays out a timeframe to implement changes.

The National Park Service is making the document available for comment until Jan. 11, 2024. People may submit comments online by clicking “Open for Comments.” 

The plan’s goals include increasing accessibility awareness and understanding among staff and volunteers at the park. The plan also goes through the park’s areas and recommends improvements. 

“It is important that visitors of all abilities are able to enjoy the incredible experience that Hawaii Volcanoes National Park offers,” said Superintendent Rhonda Loh. “This plan describes our proposed strategy to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment in popular locations throughout the park. We look forward to hearing from you.”  

Michelle Broder Van Dyke covers the Hawaiian Islands for Spectrum News Hawaii. Email her at michelle.brodervandyke@charter.com.