State Senate President Ronald Kouchi is the new chair of the national Senate Presidents Forum, a nonpartisan, nonideological nonprofit educational organization composed of state senate leaders from around the country.

What You Need To Know

  • The position alternates between Democrats and Republicans. The previous chair was Kentucky State Senate President Robert Stivers

  • Each year, the forum hosts three educational conferences where legislative leaders meet to discuss and share their experiences in their positions, and gain insight from globally recognized experts

  • Kouchi wants Hawaii to host an upcoming conference

  • Hawaii lawmakers have been prominent in national leadership roles. Kouchi’s House counterpart, Speaker Scott Saiki, previously served as president of the National Conference of State Legislatures

The position alternates between Democrats and Republicans. The previous chair was Kentucky State Senate President Robert Stivers.

"I am honored to have been chosen by my peers to serve as chair of the Senate President’s Forum,” Kouchi said in a statement released on Friday. “Serving in my new role allows me the opportunity to bring Hawaii’s most pressing issues to the national stage.”

Hawaii lawmakers have been prominent in national leadership roles. Kouchi’s House counterpart, Speaker Scott Saiki, previously served as president of the National Conference of State Legislatures. 

Each year, the forum hosts three educational conferences where legislative leaders meet to discuss and share their experiences in their positions, and gain insight from globally recognized experts.

“In my upcoming tenure as chair, I hope to have one of the conferences be held here in Hawaii,” Kouchi said. "We need to put a spotlight on Hawaii, including its innovations and challenges, and bring it to the forefront of national politics."

Michael Tsai covers local and state politics for Spectrum News Hawaii. He can be reached at