A chemical commonly used in carpets, clothing and packaging was recently detected in water samples collected from the Waipahu Wells II Granular Activated Carbon Treatment Facility, but officials say the amount detected is not significant and no action is necessary.

What You Need To Know

  • Perfluorohexanoic acid is part of a group perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances that are considered common contaminants in drinking water and the environment

  • The facility from which the samples were taken is part of the Waipahu-Ewa-Waianae water system, which serves approximately 217,500 individuals

  • While the EPA does not have a health advisory for PFHxA, the state Department of Health maintains an action level of 1.0 micrograms of PFHxA per liter. The levels detected in the Waipahu Wells ranged from 0.0020 ug/L to 0.0023 ug/L

  • While current PFHxA levels do not require action, DOH said concerned residents can use home filtration to reduce PFAS levels in their household water

The facility is part of the Waipahu-Ewa-Waianae water system, which serves approximately 217,500 individuals.

Perfluorohexanoic acid is part of a group perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances that are considered common contaminants in drinking water and the environment.

“The levels found at these wells are significantly below the action level, and based on current information, are not expected to pose a risk to human health,” said state toxicologist Diana Felton. “It is important to note that research regarding the health impacts of PFHxA and other PFAS is ongoing, and our understanding of the health impacts of these chemicals is evolving.

“As we learn more about PFAS and possible risk to health, it remains a priority to ensure that the public is aware of these contaminants in drinking water,” she said. “While these detections do not pose an acute risk to public health, we continue to work with (the Environmental Protection Agency) and other stakeholders to reduce PFAS exposures and establish enforceable PFAS limits that protect public health.”

While the EPA does not have a health advisory for PFHxA, the state Department of Health maintains an action level of 1.0 micrograms of PFHxA per liter. The levels detected in the Waipahu Wells ranged from 0.0020 ug/L to 0.0023 ug/L.

PFAS, a so-called "forever chemical" for its persistence in the environment, is used extensively in carpets, clothing, fabrics for furniture, paper packaging for food, cookware and other goods designed to be waterproof, stain-resistant or non-stick, according to the EPA. It is also used in fire-suppression foam and other industrial materials.

While current PFHxA levels do not require action, DOH said concerned residents can use home filtration to reduce PFAS levels in their water.