HONOLULU — The city’s Department of Environmental Services reminds businesses and the public that the Disposable Food Ware Ordinance, or Bill 40, goes into full effect starting Sept. 6.
The DFWO was signed into law Dec. 15, 2019, aimed at reducing nonrecyclable items. However, sections of the law were delayed so that businesses could have time to deplete existing non-compliant stock, as well as reasons citing the COVID-19 pandemic and, the latest, due to supply shortages.
From Tuesday, the law will restrict the use of plastic and polystyrene products such as polystyrene foam food ware, disposable plastic service ware and disposable plastic food ware; ban the sale of polystyrene foam food ware, disposable plastic service ware and disposable plastic food ware; and only “upon request, affirmative response, or in a self-service dispenser,” will disposable service ware be provided, according to the law.
More information about the DFWO is available at the ENV website, email businessrecycle@honolulu.gov or call 808-768-3200, ext. 6.
Sarah Yamanaka covers events, environmental and community news for Spectrum News Hawaii.