HONOLULU — The Koko Head Park Road will be temporarily closed due to repaving from July 12 through July 15. The Koko Crater Tramway to the trail will be closed during this time.
“We really appreciate the public’s cooperation with the brief closure of this popular trail,” said Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation Director Laura H. Thielen. “The more the repaving crew can focus on their work, without disruption from wayward hikers, the quicker we can reopen the tramway. So please help spread the word about avoiding the trail for these four days.”
The closure of the trailhead will not affect the public parking lot. The entire Koko Head Park Road, on the west side of Koko Head District Park, will be repaved.
The city also announced repaving work at Wailupe Beach Park parking lot on July 14, and Joe Lukela Beach Park parking lot on July 15. Both lots will be closed on the days of repaving and are scheduled to open the next day, weather permitting.
For more information, contact the Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation at parks@honolulu.gov or call 808-763-3003.