GREECE, N.Y. -- Like many districts across the country, the Greece Central School District began Thursday with a moment of silence for those affected by the school shooting in Florida.
New York State mandates safety measures such as lockdown drills and safety teams in each school.
Greece schools have assigned resource officers along with security guards.
Steve Chatterton, director of safety and security for Greece public schools, says they have a great relationship with the Greece police department and take all threats seriously.
“If two students we know are getting involved with a dispute on social media. As soon as we get to school in the morning our administrators are pulling them apart doing mediations, we’re doing restorative circles trying to repair that relationship,” said Chatterton.
Odyssey senior Remynice Grimes feels there are additional safety measures that every school should be taking.
“Metal detectors should be in every single school now. There should be no way anyone should feel uncomfortable sending their kid to school or coming to school. How did he get inside school with a rifle? Who let him carry that inside school?”