ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- A 10-year-old's hobby is now a young woman's talent. Morgan Schild is chasing the Olympic dream and she's catching up.

"All I could do was cry and call my mom and say, 'hey mom, I just won a World Cup,'” Schild said of her first major victory in 2015.

She's not on the path alone; of the 29 athletes named to the U.S. Freestyle Ski team, six of them trained at Bristol Mountain.

"We're there to help them find their passion and help them develop their skiing skills to the best of their ability,” said John Kroetz, the Bristol Mountain Freestyle Team Coach.

The Bristol Mountain "Super Six" is made up of Morgan, brothers Chris and Jon Lillis, Drew Walczyk, Harrison Smith and Patrick O'Flynn.

"After we had all made the team, we looked around and said, this is kind of crazy, there's so many of us,” Schild said.

Each one of them hoping to represent the red, white and blue. Though they train in Utah now, they've already made their community proud.

Morgan and the rest of the team still have a few more qualifiers before the Olympic team spots are officially decided in January.