ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- September is Hunger Action Month, and Foodlink is kicking off local activities at the Mall at Greece Ridge.

Later this month, most kids will be heading back to school. One in five kids may not know where their next meal is coming from. Monroe County and the DMV is trying to change that.

The community is asked to drop off canned goods or boxes of food at area donation sites. Those items will then be distributed to those in need.

September is Hunger Action Month - the goal is to raise awareness about the need in the Rochester community and around the county. In the 10-region are Foodlink serves, it's estimated one in eight people don't know where their next meal will come from. Children are the most vulnerable. While they get breakfast and lunch at school, they may not get dinner or food on the weekends.

Foodlink has programs in place that helps fill backpacks with food that are sent home on weekends or even meals over the summer months.

The public needs to help sustain those programs.

"A lot of people view the issue of hunger, food and security as unbeatable. Little things like donating a can of food, a box of pasta... they go a long way. If we can mobilize the public enough to where thousands upon thousands of people are getting involved, then it's really going to make a big difference," said Mark Dwyer with Foodlink.

Foodlink says its most needed items are peanut butter, canned fruit, vegetables, meats, powdered milk, beans, pasta, rice, canned soup, 100 percent juice, and tomato products.

You can drop off items at the following locations:

Downtown Filing and Operations
Monroe County Office Building
39 W. Main St., Rm. 101
Rochester, NY 14614

Greece Bureau
The Mall at Greece Ridge
Somerworth Dr. mall entrance, next to T.C. Hooligan’s

Henrietta Bureau
Town Centre plaza
2199 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, NY 1462

Irondequoit Bureau
Titus Mall plaza
545 Titus Avenue
Rochester, NY 14617