WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. -- Loved one of an Amherst teenager continued to honor memory Wednesday four years after her death.

Alix Rice was killed by a drunk driver July 8, 2011. Since then, loved ones have raised $350,000 to build a skate park in her memory.

Park organizers have set up a tent at Williamsville-Amherst Old Home Days this week to continue the fundraising effort. They say they need around $100,000 more to cover maintenance and insurance.

The community support they continue to receive is appreciated.

"We have so many people that stop by not to buy a T-shirt, not to buy a raffle ticket, but simply to donate money. And they do it because Alix's passing still resonates with them, and they just want to do whatever they can to help," said Brian Duff, vice president of the Alix Rice Peace Park Foundation.

Organizers are selling 50-50 raffle tickets. The drawing will be during the Kerfuffle music fest July 25 at Canalside.

The park, which is going up at the Northtown Recreation Center in Amherst, should be completed by the end of next spring.