The cost of just about everything has skyrocketed. Car insurance is no different. But why has it increased so much and how can you save money?

The experts at Experian say over the last year, we've seen car insurance rates increase by about 20%. For some, that equates to $1,000 more in insurance premiums.

It’s not unusual for prices to fluctuate. But experts say the amount of car insurance rate hikes hasn’t been seen before.

So what's behind it?

The prices of cars are up. The prices of car parts are up. And so if you have to make a claim, if you have an accident, it's going to cost more to repair the car.

So how can you save money? Shop around.

Experian did a survey, and found 20% of people would rather sit in a traffic jam for hours than shop for insurance. They called it "cumbersome and difficult."

We're told good driving habits can save you money, but so can something else.

"If you take care of your credit history, so those things that you're looking at money, checking your credit report, making sure your credit scores are in good shape, can actually save you money on insurance rates as well," said Rod Griffin, senior director of public education and advocacy for Experian.

Experian has an insurance marketplace to help you compare rates and keep track of yours.

The big question: Will rates go down? Griffin says it is possible, but it depends on economic circumstances. It depends on car parts, prices and your driving habits.