BUFFALO, N.Y. -- There will be a public meeting on Thursday to discuss the potential benefits of red light cameras in the city of Buffalo.

The proposed program would be free for the city based on the anticipated revenue it would create through observed violations.

This coming after five hit-and-run accidents within the city since the month of May.

"We want to look at 'how can we make our city safer?' Right now I think our city is dangerous as far as vehicular drivers. In my district, I know we've had a number of incidents that have occurred that residents are very concerned about. Block club leaders are hoping that we can have this passed because we want to make our streets safe for our seniors and our children," said Rasheed Wyatt, University District Common Council member.

The meeting, held by Wyatt, will begin at 11 a.m. in the Common Council Chambers on the 13th floor of City Hall.