The Seneca Nation and the state of New York have each selected arbitrators in the process to resolve a dispute about casino payments.
University of New Mexico law professor Kevin Washburn will be the designated representative for the Nation.
Washburn has previously served as a federal prosecutor and general counsel of the National Indian Gaming Commission before entering the academic world.
The state selected Henry Gutman, a retired partner from Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett LLP.
Gutman served as the state’s artibtrator in the 2013 Seneca arbitration and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School.
The Senecas ceased paying a portion of their slot revenues to the state, arguing their 14-year obligation under a 2002 Compact was fulfilled.
The state argues the obligation continued when the agreement automatically renewed last year.
The Compact spells out an arbitration process to resolve disputes which is already underway.
It will be conducted by a three-member panel, including Washburn, Gutman and a third arbitrator selected by the first two.