The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has released its 2024 hunting safety statistics, the second safest season on record, according to interim DEC Commissioner Sean Mahar.

The annual report documents hunting-related shooting incidents (HRSIs) and tree stand/elevated hunting incidents and the numbers are consistent with the low incident rates observed across the state in recent years. DEC documented 11 HRSIs in 2024, including four two-party firearm incidents and seven self-inflicted incidents. Two incidents involved individuals illegally hunting.

“Hunting-related incidents are preventable when hunters follow safe and legal hunting practices and proper tree-stand safety measures,” Mahar said. “Thanks to New York’s exceptional Hunter Education Program and hunters adhering to New York’s hunting regulations, requirements, and firearm safety, hunting continues to be a safe and enjoyable activity for hundreds of New Yorkers and visitors each year.”

In the report, DEC also documented 11 Elevated Hunting Incidents (EHIs) in 2024. Nine involved hunters failing to wear a safety harness or failing to connect the harness to a tree. Two of the falls were fatal and the others resulted in serious injuries.