As 2023 wraps up, host Tim Boyum sits down with North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper. Gov. Cooper gives us behind-the-scenes insight on finally getting Medicaid expansion past the finish line.

He also talks about his push next year to get past school vouchers, his plans for 2024 without having his own campaign for the first time in decades, and his future after 2024.

They also discuss the recent death of UNC legend Eric Montross, and Gov. Cooper gives a glimpse of how he finds ways to unwind from the stress of leading a state.

About the Podcast

With the speed of the local news cycle, it's easy to forget that the politicians who represent us and the influencers in our communities are more than just a sound bite. North Carolina’s veteran reporter and anchor, Tim Boyum, loosens his signature bow tie to give listeners a glimpse behind the curtain, showing us who these power players really are and why they do what they do. Through Tim’s candid conversations on “Tying It Together,” his guests reveal their most fascinating life stories, passions, and help all of us get a better grasp on the issues affecting our communities.

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