WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — While most families put their kids in car seats, research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows many have been installed incorrectly.

What You Need To Know

  • Three out of four car seats are not installed or used correctly, according to research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

  • First responders in the Winston-Salem area hold free monthly car seat safety checks for parents

  • To learn more about car seat safety check events in your area, click here 

That's why several emergency agencies hold monthly car seat checks to help parents across the state get the support they need to keep their children safe.

"We send children home safer than how they arrive," Luly Beckles, a child-and-passenger safety technician, said.

Several first responder agencies, in partnership with Safe Kids Northwest Piedmont, hold regular car seat checks.

Beckles said learning to properly install and use car seats could be a matter of life and death.

"In my case, my son died because of the actions of a drunk driver," she said.

That was in 2006. However, she said nothing could’ve prepared her for the worst.

“I was the mom that got my car seats checked every month, that my children wore a properly fitted helmet," Beckles said. "And people don’t think that it can happen to them. And it can happen to anyone.”

According to Safe Kids Worldwide, correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71%.

Beckles said it is especially important to remember and commemorate children.

"Commemorate the importance of teaching parents how to install and properly use car seats," Beckles said. "It's good to point out that three out of four car seats are not installed or used correctly."

For more information on where to locate a car seat event near you, visit