AUSTIN, Texas — The beer industry can be a labor of love and sometimes a royal pain. Ask Jester King Brewery co-founder Jeffrey Stuffings.

“Quality has to come first no matter what your focus is,” Stuffings said. “I’m a perpetual worrier with everything business, but I can still unwind with a lager or craft beer.”

For the past 14 years, the Floridian turned Texan has gotten creative to turn a profit. Not everyone in the Austin beer scene has been as fortunate, especially during a generational consumption decline in 2023.

Jeffrey Stuffings shows off beer cellar. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)
Jeffrey Stuffings shows off beer cellar. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)

“It has been a funny time in the craft beer business. You’ve seen more closers than openings for the first time in a long time,” Stuffings said. “So there’s a little readjusting that’s taking place.” 

David Steinman, Beer Marketer’s Insights’ vice president and executive director, says despite beer shipments falling below 200 million barrels for the first time since 1999, this isn’t the powder keg industry leaders say it is.

“Something that everyone is monitoring and looking at very closely,” Steinman said. “Beer is still the number one beverage, and a lot of the decline has been an offset by premiumizing business.”

With more than 400 breweries and thousands of bars, vineyards and distilleries in Texas, Stuffings said the reality is there are a lot of options out there.

“It’s not necessarily a decline in alcohol sales out there, it has been more of a diversification of the types of beverages people are drinking,” Stuffings said.

Pour in some inflation and every dollar counts, but this brewmaster has faith loyal residents will keep it local when quenching their thirst.

“I’m not sure where that’s going to go on in the industry, but I will say I’m highly confident there will still be a vibrant scene in Austin,” Stuffings said. “One of the best beer cities, no matter what.” 

More of the cellar. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)
More of the cellar. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)