MADISON COUNTY, Texas — Texas police are investigating a gruesome and mysterious series of cattle deaths. Six cattle were discovered mutilated in different locations, in each instance their tongues removed.

The Madison County Sheriff’s Office earlier this week on its Facebook page said ranchers notified it of a 6-year-old longhorn-cross cow that had been discovered on its side, dead, and with its tongue removed.

“A straight, clean cut, with apparent precision, had been made to remove the hide around the cow’s mouth on one side, leaving the meat under the removed hide untouched. The tongue was also completely removed from the body with no blood spill,” the sheriff’s office wrote. “It was noted there were no signs of struggle and the grass around the cow was undisturbed. No footprints or tire tracks were noted in the area.”

Ranchers told police that no birds or predators would scavenge the carcass, leaving it to rot for several weeks.

While investigating that death, police became aware of the deaths and mutilations of five other cattle, each “in different locations, pastures, and herds.”

The five involved four adult cows and one yearling. Each animal was discovered in the same circumstances as the first: on its side, dead, and its tongue removed. In addition, a circular cut was made to two of the cows, their anuses and external genitalia removed. 

Just like the first cow, there was no sign of struggle, no footprints or tire tracks found, the grass was not disturbed, and predators didn’t touch the remains.

Anyone with information was urged to contact the Madison County Sheriff’s Office during business hours at 936-348-2755.