AUSTIN, Texas — “What truly drives me is getting the chance to see my friends. I get to hang out with some of the funniest people all the time,” Tallant said.

With over two decades of combined experience, Sam Tallant and Ismael Loutfi are sharing secrets of the comedy trade.

“Be good at Instagram. Be shameless. Don’t be embarrassed about the soulless validity you have to engage in to be successful,” Tallant said.

Local clubs such as The Creek and Cave and Esther’s Follie held several days of stand-up shows during SXSW. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)

The yearly festival brings in dozens of the nation’s best comics, who cleverly navigate how to mess with Texas as they see fit.

“Crowds at SXSW are comedy savvy, you can tell they’re smart,” Loutfi said. “I tend to stay away from topical stuff because I think they’ve all heard it before or they’re on the phones and have seen the memes about it. But I’m not afraid to make fun of Texas here and there.”

For many comedians looking to grow their brand, few stages are bigger, so every talent brings their “A” game.

“Having a new bit is the best feeling you can have,” Loutfi said. “No interaction is as rewarding as having a new joke kill it.”

Comics will often work some degree of local angles into their SXSW sets but it’s often newer material with hopes of growing their audience. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)

With that said, being in the Capital City, a good laugh and piece of brisket in between is the perfect way to finish their SXSW sets.

“I haven’t eaten a big piece of meat yet, so I have to do that,” Tallant said. “Nice to be here and be welcome.”