BELL COUNTY, Texas — The Women's Bull Riding Organization, or WBRO, was created by women for women to give them the chance to compete nationally at a professional level.

Texas native Catalina Langlitz is the 2021 WBRO World Champion

"And honestly I wouldn't be where I'm at without some of the people that like helped me along the way, like my dad," Langlitz said.

When she gets on a bull, the 20-year-old's talents are hard to miss.

"I love the atmosphere. I love the adrenaline rush. I love the people, just being around the livestock," Langlitz shared.

Langlitz joined WBRO a few years ago. 

"There's a ton of women that I ride with that's super good," Langlitz explained.

The world champ's recent success did not come without obstacles. 

"Emotional, physical. It was all really, really just like a mental head game that really messed me up throughout the year. But here I am," Langlitz said.

The Texas native first showed promise as a kid. Her father, Joseph Langlitz, remembers when he first introduced Catalina to the rodeo sport. 

"She'd always run around with me growing up and it was pretty exciting. And then I never dreamed that she'd stick with it this long, but it's pretty neat that she has and done so well at it," Joseph Langlitz said.

He couldn't be more proud of her accomplishments.

"There's women that have been riding for years and years, and they're a good group (WBRO) and she's fit right in. The competition's pretty stiff," Joseph Langlitz explained.

This spring, Catalina Langlitz will graduate with her associate's degree in animal science, ready to take on her next challenge.