AUSTIN, Texas — Local drag celebrity Nadine Hughes is back onstage after being in a medically-induced coma in January due to complications related to COVID-19 symptoms. Since waking up from that coma, Hughes has undergone intensive physical therapy to address mobility issues.

Hughes said the coma affected her ability to move after being bedridden for roughly a month. She was forced to take some time off before her return, which lined up perfectly with Pride Month.

“I’m feeling very anxious. I'm very excited, nervous at the same time,” Hughes said backstage at Rain on West 4th Street, minutes before her first performance of the night.

She said her near-death experience makes her grateful of her second lease on life, and she promises that gratitude will translate onstage. 

“Old Nadine will always be here, but there's going to be a light in my eye, just simple gratitude for being able to do what I love,” she said.

Fittingly, Hughes' first lip sync performance was to "Rise Up" by Andra Day, which garnered several applause breaks and a standing ovation.

“I never thought that I would get back to this point. I’ve missed all of you. I’ve missed your faces so much,” Hughes said to the crowd of fans who eagerly awaited her return.

Onstage, Hughes thanked her friends for supporting her and Hughes' mother Melody Cass, who was instrumental in Hughes' recovery as well as being a fierce supporter of her drag career.

“I have never been prouder to be a member of this LGBT community here in Austin,” she said.

Hughes will emcee drag shows at Rain on 4th St. every Wednesday.