WACO, Texas —  It's no secret the City of Waco has significantly grown over the last few years,

Adding to that growth, Startup Waco helps entrepreneurs launch and sustain their small businesses through financial consulting and mentorship. The organization recently started using an interest-free loan program to help raise thousands of dollars for Waco entrepreneurs.

Waffle Chic food truck owner Shamica Evans was able to raise just over $4,000 for her business in less than three days, and it is all thanks to non-profit organization Startup Waco.

Growing up, Evans remembers her grandmother and mom making chicken and waffles.

"So I wanted to create that family recipe and give it out to the community that I view as my family as well," explained Evans.

Without loans or grants, just guidance from some local experts, Evans launched Waffle Chic with what she had. The single mom says she did it to show her kids anything is possible, no matter what you have to overcome.

"I took all my funds that I worked at Mission Waco here in Waco, and that's how I started Waffle Chic," explained Evans.

Following the grand opening of Waffle Chic, Evans partnered with the team at Startup Waco. The nonprofit organization helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses with the goal of making Central Texas a hub for business innovation.

In February, Startup Waco connected Evans with Kiva, a nonprofit organization that uses a crowdfunding concept to allow the community to fund loans for local businesses.

"At first I was hesitant you know, but once I applied for it and I saw so many wonderful people starting to believe in my dream by donating, I was like 'Okay God thank you so much'," said Evans.

Startup Waco Capital Access Manager Gib Reynolds introduced Evans to Kiva. The tool helped her raise more than $4,000 for Waffle Chic over the course of just one weekend.

"You're tasked with raising money from friends and family and the community to achieve a private fundraising goal," Reynolds explained. "And then once you've successfully done that, you get to go live on the Kiva public platform. There's about 2 million people around the world that are actively funding deals. The premise is you're getting loans from people in $25 increments to achieve up to $15,000 of cash to go and grow and scale your business."

Evans hopes her story inspires other entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.

"Add into the economic growth within the community that we are building here now in Waco, Texas," she said.

Start Up Waco's first handful of fully funded deals raised more than $25,000 in just a couple of months through Kiva.