AUSTIN, Texas — Hundreds of protesters rallied at the State Capitol on Independence Day against the treatment of migrants at Texas detention centers.  

  • 2 mothers planned the event
  • Former detainees shared their stories
  • Organizers collected supplies for detained families

The event was planned by two mothers who feel migrants are being unjustly held at the border.

Alicia Hernandez participated in the chant for change. She is the daughter of an immigrant and is horrified by the treatment of migrants.

"Lots of fear, lots of anger, and lots of sadness surrounding the detention centers and what is happening," she said.

Former detainees shared their stories with the help of a translator.

"When I was in a detention center, I realized I am just a body. For them, it was just something that they could make money off of," said one woman.

This rally comes after Democratic congress members visited two Texas border facilities and reported poor living conditions.

"A group of people are being dehumanized, profiled, rounded up, and treated like animals. We have seen the kind of horrors that this leads to," said organizer Crystal Bird Caviel.

Hernandez says this issue will continue if there aren’t enough people advocating.

"Whether or not an issue directly affects me, I should be working to change whatever system or policies that have caused that issue," she said.

Donations of blankets, toys, and clothes were also taken and will be sent to the border to help families.

Hundreds rally at the State Capitol on July 4, 2019 (Spectrum News)
Hundreds rally at the State Capitol on July 4, 2019 (Spectrum News)