Current Temperatures:

Clouds are breaking up, and SSW winds warm us up into the upper 70s.

Winds are gusty at times.

Colder air is on the way as a cold front is expected to push through before midnight.

Along the front, we could potentially see a few brief minor showers while you're sleeping.  Any rain will be done by sunrise Wednesday.

Behind the front, winds will average 15-20 mph with occasional higher gusts.  The strongest winds will occur between 12am and 12pm on Wednesday, and highs will only be in the mid 60s.  

Thanksgiving morning starts near 40, but warms to around 70 or low 70s in the afternoon.  Just cool enough where you can open the doors/windows if you need to cool the house down if your oven is on all day.

Dan Robertson @TexasThunderman