SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo's mission is to emphasize agriculture and education to develop the youth of Texas.
- San Antonio Rodeo emphasizing agriculture and education
- Thousands of kids showcased their livestock
- One girl's pig grew to 250 pounds in one year
Thousands of kids showcased their hard work at the Juniors Market Barrows Show.
"It's a long process because they sit there and feed the animals, train the animals and teach them how to walk," said Lawrence Padalecki of the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo.
Chance Wood is a 13-year-old Italy, Texas native pig breeder. For her it is a way of life.
"I like the responsibility it teaches you like getting up to feed it in the morning and at night," said Wood. "I like just watching them grow."
Wood watched her pig grow 250 pounds in just one year.
"If you watch some of these hogs or kids with these animals, they have them where they can make the animals walk the rink perfectly," said Padalecki.
Although judging is based on how the hog is built before it goes to the market.
"I'm hoping to just make the sale but it would be nice to win breed champion," said Wood.
Breed Champion is a reward for those long days of work.
"We're all out here for the kids. We're helping the kids by giving $80,000 to further their education with a scholarship," said Padalecki. "That's what we're all about."