AUSTIN, Texas — On seven acres in southeast Austin, The Other Ones Foundation founder and executive director Chris Baker hopes to give Texans the second chance that was once provided to him.

“The journey looks a little bit different for everyone, but what we’re trying to build here is a dignified place for that journey to happen,” Baker said. “It’s old Esperanza and new Esperanza, and we still need to use our imagination a little bit.”

In many ways, Camp Esperanza is the first of its kind: a formerly sanctioned encampment quickly turning into a community endorsed by both the county, city and state.

A former sanctioned encampment, Camp Esperanza will feature living quarters, common areas, a health clinic and sanitary stations. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)

“We want people to feel safe, be out of the elements,” Baker said. “To have their own access to electricity, cooling in the summer and heat in the winter.”

From common areas to individual living quarters, the project focused its efforts on listening to those experiencing homelessness. In return, residents sign a waiver promising to put equal effort into a plan to get back on their feet and become a contributing member of society.

“Everything has been designed in partnership with the people using these services,” Baker said. “From the shelters themselves to the larger site design.”

The hope is to have Phase 1 completed by the end of the year. The initial blueprint will provide more than 100 civilians a living space they’ve often been unaccustomed to across Texas.

“It’s a nice place to bounce off of, as opposed to living in the woods or under a bridge,” resident Ty Benoit said. “It feels like home.”

“There’s people doing stuff outside of here and it’s because of this place,” another resident added.

Baker says it’s not an exact blueprint for the Lone Star State, but there are elements here that could have a great impact for the thousands in need.

“It’s a new way to get people off of the streets quickly and provide a pathway to a more stable life,” Baker said. 

Camp Esperanza is thought to be the first of its kind, receiving direct input from those experiencing homelessness on a daily basis. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)