SAN ANTONIO — The basement kitchen of the historic Travis Park Church is bustling seven days a week, even though the upstairs looks like a construction zone.
On the menu last Thursday: venison stew, homemade by volunteers.
“Makes you feel good helping other people who really need to be helped,” said one volunteer.
Meals continue to be served up for those in need, even though the church itself needs its own form of TLC.
“Here’s actually where the roof collapsed,” explain Pastor Eric Vogt.
The building flooded after a big storm.
“It’s a lot to try and put back together, obviously,” said Vogt.
Since the 2019 storm, church leaders have been going back and forth on reparations with their insurance provider.
“We’re thankful for insurance, but insurance is not going to be able to cover all the costs, it seems,” said Vogt.
The financial setback and slow renovations haven’t stopped them from feeding their community’s most vulnerable.
“I gotta take my shot, I’m diabetic. If I don’t eat, I get sick,” said Manuel Hernandez on his way to get his free meal.
The members say they believe that if they provide, they’ll in turn be provided for.