AUSTIN, Texas — Last month’s power crisis in Texas is not just on the mind of State leaders. Lawmakers in Washington are also looking for answers for what went wrong during last month's winter blast.

The House Committee on Science Space and Technology held a hearing to talk about some of the lessons learned.

Dallas-area Democrat Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson chairs the committee. In her opening statements she said Texans deserve better and that it's their job as policymakers to get a better understanding of what happened. Throughout the hearing, need for better communication and coordination also came up..

Johnson spoke with our Leann Wallace after the meeting concluded.

She said that even though Texas does like to be independent, she's hopeful that the state will consider some of the recommendations the experts are making in terms of preparedness and weatherization.

“What I am certain about is that we need to protect the people and so we need to look at the conditions of the commitment and make weatherization available,” said Rep. Johnson.

When asked if Texas should join the national grid, she said she could not make that decision for Texas, but was not confident that Texas would make any improvements.

More than 50 died in the state during last month’s power crisis.

“It's difficult to predict there will be any change with the leadership we've had all the time," Johnson said.