KILLEEN, Texas – Central Texas pet owners beware – the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is testing water from Belton Lake near Killeen after reports that dogs died after playing at Morgan's Point.

"I didn't think that I was going to fall in love with him like I did," said Delaney Presley. "I really didn't think, because I mean I've had dogs growing up, but I've never been like super attached to them."

What was supposed to be a fun trip to Belton Lake for Presley, her 6-month-old dog Koda, and her boyfriend Terrance Aguore, quickly turned to heartbreak.

"I didn't expect losing him to hurt as bad as it did," said Presley.

Presley says she kept Koda close to her on his leash while he played at Morgan's Point Resort Marina. However, after splashing around and drinking the water, Koda had a seizure and then began to lose all strength in his body.

"He's trying to like fight, but he starts foaming in his mouth and then he falls again," said Aguore.

"It was extremely fast," added Presley. "And that's what the vet said. He said that whatever killed him entered his blood stream extremely quickly and that's why no matter when he would've gotten help the outcome would have been the same."

At the emergency vet clinic, Presley learned she was not alone. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials recently cautioned pet owners about recreation at Belton Lake after reports of dog deaths.

The agency says no harmful algae blooms were found hear the shoreline and land, but that staff is working with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to test water samples from the area.

As staff wait for those results to determine if there was an environmental cause, pet owners should beware.

"I feel like a lot of pet owners just need to educate themselves on like the environment that they're bringing their animals into," said Presley. "Just be cautious too, going into spring break and summer."