BOSTON -- Part of a 40-year-old mystery has been solved by a family in Boston.

Josh Gates, host and co-executive producer of "Expedition:  Unknown" on the Discovery Channel, says it all started in 1982 with a book called "The Secret" by Byron Preiss.

"[Preiss] buried a dozen treasure boxes in 12 parks across America, then he unleashed the book full of clues to help lead you to the boxes. It's a treasure hunt," said Gates.

But before he revealed the secret locations to anyone else, the author died in 2005. In the nearly four decades since, only two of the boxes have been found -- until now.

In the above video, Jason Krupat tells us his kids are avid fans of "Expedition: Unknown" and that, when they became aware of "The Secret" and saw clues on the show, they were convinced at least one of those treasure boxes was buried in Boston. They set off as a family to find it, then invited Gates to join the quest.

You can see their adventure tonight. Watch "Expedition Unknown: The Secret Solved" on the Discovery channel at 8 p.m, channel 34 on your Spectrum Cable box.