SAN ANTONIO — According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 400,000 people are injured in crashes each year because of distracted driving.

  • Attorney working to curb distracted driving
  • Campaign starts next week

Across the United States, at least nine people lose their lives every day because of distracted driving.

"The safety of the motoring public is paramount," injury attorney Thomas J. Henry said. 

Henry is getting ready to launch a new campaign focused on distracted driving. Starting next week you’ll see the announcements. 

"When you use a phone hands-free, it's just like drunk driving,” he said. 

He's partnered up with local law enforcement to help spread the message. Henry said drivers don't realize just how distracted they are until it's too late,  and past cases he’s worked on prove it.

"Hands-free, over the speakers in your car, over your phone, the phone up to your ear, they do not understand and have not internalized that. So this is a real education program,” Henry said. 

It's a program that could make people think twice before picking up the phone.

"This campaign I think on multiple levels will allow for there to be a wider message to a large group of people,” he said.