SAN ANTONIO – This August marks 14 years since Hurricane Katrina, a category-5 storm that slammed into Louisiana causing destruction and killing more than a thousand people.

  • Rescued by boat
  • Lost several family members
  • Given housing in San Antonio

It’s a storm Carolyn Jordan will never forget.

“It was a rough time going through that. Full darkness, no food, no water. It was almost like living in hell,” said Jordan.

Jordan and her family sought out shelter in a New Orleans hotel. However, after the storm’s landfall they were quickly evacuated due to the rising water. They were rescued by boat.

“The boat came and got us and brought us to the convention center and we were there for a week,” she said.

That’s where Jordan and her family got on a bus to Texas. When they arrived, they were placed in emergency housing in San Antonio. She’s been in the city ever since.

“I still have the bad memories of everything, you know? I lost family members during the hurricane also. I try to keep it positive though,” Jordan said.

While trying to establish a new normal, she found a job at Tip Top Café. She’s now an assistant manager.

“I’ve grown accustomed to this and really have grown to love this place,” she said.