DETROIT — Former HUD Secretary and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro sparred with Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden on night two of the primary debates in Detroit.

  • Castro and Biden sparred over immigration
  • Castro battling to qualify for next debate

Castro criticized Biden on immigration as he touted his plan to decriminalize illegal border crossings.

RELATED | Second Democratic Debate: Perspectives From a Swing State

Castro was asked the first question on immigration during the nearly three-hour debate Wednesday night. When asked about how his stance on repealing Section 1325, a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act that criminalizes such entry into the United States, is different from having open borders, Castro called it a right-wing talking point.

“And frankly, I’m disappointed that some folks on this stage have taken the bait,” Castro said.

Biden then took direct aim at Castro.

"I never heard him talk about any of this when he was the [HUD] secretary,” Biden said. "If you cross the border illegally, you should be able to be sent back. It's a crime. It's a crime."

"Mr. Vice President, it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past. One of us hasn't," Castro said.

The issue was the same one Castro battled with fellow Texan Beto O’Rourke on in the June debate in Miami.

The stakes for Castro were high Wednesday night. He has yet to meet the polling threshold in order to qualify for the next Democratic debate set for Houston in September.

Click the video link above to watch our wrap-up from night two in Detroit, plus analysis on how the candidates performed.