SAN ANTONIO - Major changes are coming for Bexar County voters, and it all starts with where and how you cast your ballot.

  • County commissioners approve purchase of new voting machines
  • Expanded polling location options 
  • Equipment hasn't been updated in 17 years 

Bexar County commissioners approved new voting machines on Tuesday. All you have to do is touch the screen to make your choices, print a card with your selections, and put it into a scanner to cast your ballot.

The Bexar County Elections Department says many people across the nation have been asking for paper verification.

Under this new system, Bexar County will establish super precincts or vote centers. Come November you won't need to worry about voting within your specific polling place because you'll be able to vote anywhere on Election Day.

"I think they're going to trade off the 30 seconds it's going to take them to walk over and actually cast their ballot in that unit because they're going to be reassured. It's just going to answer so many questions. We're really excited about it," said Bexar County Elections Administrator Jacque Callanen.

All 2,500 voting units will be replaced at a cost of $11.5 million. 

It's been 17 years since the county updated the equipment. Back then they cost $8 million.