SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio City Council approved the appointment of Erik Walsh as the new city manager.

  • Walsh to serve as city's 20th city manager
  • Walsh formerly a deputy city manager

Councilman Clayton Perry said that he is excited to welcome Walsh as San Antonio’s 20th city manager.

"Erik is a proven leader, who has risen through the ranks from budget analyst, to deputy city manager and now city manager. Erik is a San Antonio native who truly understands the needs of our community and will guide us as San Antonio continues to grow,” said Perry.

Perry continued to say that Walsh’s values are reflected by the neighbors of District 10 and that the city is looking forward to working with him.

Mayor Ron Nirenberg issued the following statement:

The appointment of Erik Walsh is a significant moment in San Antonio’s history. And almost certainly, the signature decision that will be made by this City Council. Appointing a City Manager is the most important task that our City Council can face, and it doesn’t happen often.


It hasn’t been done for more than 13 years, and in fact, Erik Walsh will be only the 20th City Manager in San Antonio’s history. As we take measure of the historic gravity of this moment, I am proud of my City Council colleagues. They have accepted this responsibility with the professional approach that it merited. I said from the outset that I wanted this to be a process that met the standards of professionalism and transparency that the public expects and that the importance of this decision requires. And I wanted this process to show a strong focus on community engagement. And we succeeded. I have no doubt that Erik is right person for the job. He is a consummate professional with a cool, calm demeanor. He has a total command of municipal issues. San Antonio is on a roll. There has never been a better time to live and invest here. And Erik Walsh will be a city manager who ensures this city will keep the momentum going.