SHAVANO PARK, Texas -- Shavano Park is already known for being safe, and now the town says it has doubled its safety in two years.

  • Shavano Park crime rate cut in half
  • 60 percent lower than it was in 2016
  • Chief credits increase in police presence

Police Chief Ray Lacy was hired two and a half years ago, and says the crime rate last year was 60 percent lower than it was in 2016.

He credits this drop to an increase in police presence around the city.

Shavano Park is just 3 square miles and rarely sees violent crimes.

The police department found that having officers patrol neighborhood streets, parking lots and other parts of town, they saw fewer burglaries, robberies and thefts.

"If someone is thinking about doing something to someone else's property, and then all of the sudden they look up and there goes my black and white squad car, they're like 'oh maybe I shouldn't break out that guy's car window or maybe I shouldn't cut that tire,” Shavano Park Police Chief Ray Lacy, said.

The safety of the Shavano Park does more than provide peace of mind for the residents, it helps everyone who spends times there.

"One of the primary responsibilities of municipal government is to provide a safe and secure environment for the residents, as well as the visitors and businesses that are here,” said Bill Hill, Shavano Park city manager. “We take it very serious."

Lacy also said he's hired an additional two officers since taking over command of the department.