SAN ANTONIO -- The Bexar County Sheriff's Office is helping federal employees impacted by the partial government shutdown.

  • Sheriff’s office holding food drive
  • Job fairs also being held
  • Program known as Operation FORE

"We're going to make sure we expedite their application process so they can get in quicker than the average applicant," said recruiting Sgt. Kathryn Brown.

Operation FORE, standing for Federal Outreach Recruitment Effort, is the latest Bexar County Sheriff's Office initiative.

Deputies will be collecting food at various locations across the county and for the next few days they'll be encouraging federal employees impacted by the partial government shutdown to join the team.

Starting salaries are around $39,000 and you get a raise every year. There are about 80 openings and if you apply and pass the background check and requirements, recruiters say you'll have a job waiting.

"Our benefit package is comparable to what the government has to offer. You come in with us, you only have to do twenty years and you retire, that's it. If you have any military background, we give you up to five years credit for your active duty service, so in essence you only have to do 15 years to retire with us," Brown said.

Recruiting and food collection locations will change and will be provided via the Bexar County Sheriff's Office Facebook page.