AUSTIN, Texas — A record-setting catch was made this week on the Brazos River.
Isaac Avery, of Longview, caught an over 7-foot-long, 197-pound alligator gar — the largest ever fish caught while bow fishing in the Brazos River.
After catching the fish, Avery contacted Texas Parks and Wildlife, who say the alligator gar is 60 years old and one of the oldest documented by the department.
As big as this fish is, it's not a state or world record.
The state record alligator gar, an 8-foot, 290-pound fish, was caught in the Trinity River in 2001.
The world record alligator gar was caught in Mississippi and measured 8 feet 5 inches and weighed 327 pounds.
Currently, Texas permits the harvest of one alligator gar per day with no minimum length limit.