NORWAY, S.C. — Spectrum joined the town of Norway and the South Carolina Broadband Office on Saturday morning for a special holiday event.

Spectrum celebrated the launch of gigabit broadband and other services to more than 500 homes and small businesses in Norway. 

Combined with a Capital Projects Fund grant of $94,500, the total project investment for the Main Street grant program, which included $1.2 million from Spectrum, is $2.2 million.

“We also thank the South Carolina Office of Regulatory staff for creating this partnership opportunity to bring broadband service to the town of Norway which was one of the last two Main Streets in the state without service,” said Marva Johnson, group vice president of state government affairs at Spectrum.

Spectrum also awarded $25,000 from a Spectrum Digital Education Grant to Palmetto Care Connections to support digital literacy programs. This grant is part of Spectrum’s six-year $8 million commitment to promoting digital education and broadband technology in communities across the country.

Spectrum is the parent company of Spectrum News.