Police have identified the man accused of intentionally setting fire to a barn at Tioga Downs Racetrack in the Southern Tier, killing more than two dozen racehorses.

Boyd Fenton, 32, of Athens, Pennsylvania, has been charged with arson, burglary and assault following Thursday morning’s fire.

Dramatic and heartbreaking images are still being felt across the horse racing community and beyond.

More than two dozen racehorses were killed, leaving families devastated, and a community in shock.

Tioga Downs in Nichols had been home to harness racing since 1976, drawing families to the area — an area they’d given back to ever since.

"It does hit hard close to the community because they are such a big part of the community and most of the people, they live here. They reside here. And it's part of this community," said Ray Thetga, the Nichols fire chief.

The Nichols Fire Department was first on scene during the blaze. They were able to put it out quickly before it spread, but the loss is everlasting. Firefighters witnessed trauma that morning they may never forget, but together, they’re finding ways to cope.

"The emotions do set in, but we still we get our job done. We do. We do that. And then we kind of talk among ourselves with our emotions and do that. You get frustrated and this and that, but it's more we're focused on our job and doing our job,” said Thetga.

Nothing set in stone just yet, but the fire chief told Spectrum News 1 they’re planning a pasta dinner or some sort of fundraiser in the future to assist families impacted in any way they can.

Race season at Tioga Downs has concluded for the year, but many of the owners of these racehorses store them in these barns for training or future races outside the area.