Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at Samaritan Medical Center recently received a donation for the NICU and Pediatric Departments from the Watertown Correctional Facility’s Make A Difference Day (MADD) Committee.

The committee purchased a mamaRoo and rockaRoo with extra fabric covers for the NICU department and two Whisper Ride Buggies for the Pediatric department. “This committee is a perfect example of how much our community cares about the children we care for every day,” said Kristin Stockwell, CMN Development Manager.

Members of the committee also visited the hospital for a tour of each department and saw first-hand how their donations make a difference. “It is so nice to see the people that directly impact our patient care by their generous gifts,” said Jessica Goodrich, Nurse Manager.

The MADD Committee is made up of two executive team members, one correctional officer and six civilian staff. The committee has helped many other organizations in the community to include American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Habitat for Humanity, Urban Mission, and the Children’s Home of Jefferson County to name a few.

For more information on Children’s Miracle Network and ways to become involved, please contact Kristin Stockwell, CMN Development Manager at 315.785.4053 or