Even after officially pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan, some soldiers still deploy there on missions to help advise and assist friendly forces in the Middle East. Back in April, Fort Drum’s 1st Brigade began a nine-month deployment helping ready those troops in their continued efforts against ISIS.

The nine months have now ended, and the brigade held a special ceremony to uncase its colors, signifying the return home.

“Warrior Brigade, I'm very proud of your tremendous contributions and your efforts to make the world safer over the last nine months,” Major General Gregory Anderson, Fort Drum and the 10th Mountain Division’s commanding general, said.

Back in April, a couple thousand Fort Drum soldiers were tasked to return to Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Kuwait. And now, nine months later, they are all back home.

What You Need To Know

  • In April, a couple thousand soldiers with with the 1st BCT of the 10th Mountain Division were called to duty in the Middle East

  • The soldiers worked on assisting and advising partner forces in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and Jordan

  • The soldiers returned home and uncased their brigade flags, signifying the return

“It's great to be back. I wanted to say that it's a truly honor to be together again with the rest of the 10th Mountain Division. I am humbled by the outpouring of support by the North Country,” 1st BCT Commander Colonel Brian Ducote said.

Ducote, the commander of the 10th Mountain Division First Brigade Combat Team, led the soldiers on this deployment. It was a mission to once again help troops overseas, advise them, assist them and teach.

“It was to partner with them in order to enable them and be able to defeat ISIS in their mission,” Ducote said.

It was an operation called Inherent Resolve. It involved planning, patrols, engagement and inspiration.

“It was really neat to see as we execute mission, how our coaching, our mentorship, our involvement and training with them to empower them,” Ducote added.

Empowerment is something Ducote is hoping his soldiers will also take with them coming off the deployment.

“Every experience is worthwhile in the sense that it gives you perspective and additional capabilities to apply them to the future,” he said.

Especially because no one knows when that next call will need to be answered.

It is expected that Fort Drum will once again receive that call to deploy soldiers sometime this summer.