ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Children sleeping on floors is something social service agents say they see as one of the telltale signs of poverty.

A Rochester group is committed to preventing it and helping families find a way.

“We meet kids all the time that have been sleeping on the floor, sleeping on a couch, sleeping on a pallet," said Donna Ritchie, president of Rochester’s Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

The basic need for a comfortable bed has sparked a national movement.

“There's 300 chapters around the U.S.," said Donna.

The organization is building beds for children in need.

“We'll construct the headboards, we'll construct the side rails, and then when we go to deliver these beds will assemble them and each kid will get a brand new bed," said Shawn Ritchie, Rochester chapter co-president of Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

As the weather gets colder, it reminds this duo to work even harder.

“There are kids out there who, through no fault of her own, don't have a safe, cozy place to sleep at night,” Donna said.

Feeling fortunate, they are making sure to give a helping hand.

“Rochester was actually one of the only cities in the country with a child poverty rate of over 50%. So there's a lot of need here. A lot of our neighbors are in need," said Donna.

Through their efforts, they’re set to hit a milestone through their work.

“We were hoping to deliver our 500th bed by Christmas and we just reached it," Donna said. "So it's 500 local kids that now have a safe place to sleep at night.”

They're thanking many of their volunteers who stepped in to help.

“You have touched and put your skill and energy and love and time and talent into this bed," Shawn said. "It's going to be in someone's house and someone is going to be sleeping on it. You're part of this now.”

The group is finding the real reward within each other.

“You know, we're helping them, but they help us just encouraging us to do better and to do more as best we can," Shawn said. "So it's just that synergy we are. It's just been incredibly rewarding."

They're making sure all worries are put to bed and every kid has a place to lay their head.

The group is eager to provide for children with uncomfortable sleeping arrangements. If you know a child who could use a bed, or a family in need, head to the group's website.