Thirty years after the infamous murders of OJ Simpson's ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, Nicole’s sister, Denise Brown, is sharing her thoughts on the anniversary of that crime.

The murders took place on June 12, 1994. Denise Brown describes how her family has endured the last three decades without Nicole.

What You Need To Know

  • Nicole Brown Simpson's sister is speaking out on 30th anniversary of her murder

  • Denise Brown says the murder of her sister feels like yesterday

  • Although a jury ultimately acquitted OJ Simpson of the murders following a sensationalized months-long trial, he was later found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in a civil trial

“What I’d like to do is pick up the phone and tell her I love her," Brown said. "What I’d like to do is see her, give her a great big hug and just say, 'I’ve missed you for 30 years,' so much."

Denise is two years older than Nicole.

”We did everything together," she said. "And, you know, I was very protective of my little sister. And my mother used to tell me stories on how people used to walk her down the street in a baby carriage and when somebody wanted to come over and see Nicole I used to stand there in between them and say, 'No, no, no, you can't touch her.' So, it was something that I couldn't protect her from."

She couldn’t protect Nicole from the man evidence proved abused her sister for years and Denise is convinced killed her.

Although a jury ultimately acquitted OJ Simpson of the murders following a sensationalized months-long trial, he was later found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in a civil trial.

Denise always believed OJ was guilty of killing her sister. Simpson himself is now dead, having passed away this past April.

“My reaction was, 'Yay, finally,'" said Denise, "Then I went back and I thought about it again. And I thought, 'Oh, poor Sydney and Justin.'”

Sydney and Justin are the children of Nicole and OJ.

“She was an incredible mom," Denise said of Nicole. "I mean, that's really tough because she didn't have the opportunity to have kids grow up. She didn't have the opportunity to see her grandkids to be a grandma. And I think she'd been an incredible grandmother. And all of that stuff was taken away from her. She was robbed of everything. She was only 35 when she was murdered. So that's hard, I think."

Denise and Nicole have two younger sisters, Dominique and Tonya.

The three surviving sisters have been promoting their just released four-part Lifetime documentary, “The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson.”

They hope people will get to know who Nicole the person was, rather than the victim.

"Nicole is so missed," Denise said. "I can't pick up the phone and call or I can't pick up the phone to say, 'I love you. I miss you.' It's really hard to think that you haven’t been with somebody for 30 years somebody that you so loved and tried to protect. And you couldn’t. And that’s hard.”

Denise says she wishes she had been educated about domestic violence all those years ago.

Following her sister’s murder, Denise began speaking out against domestic violence, appearing at events and before Congress calling for change.

For part two of our interview with Denise, click here.