ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The city of Rochester has released a new, comprehensive 28-page report on crime gun data that paints the clearest public picture in a decade of where the guns are coming from, according to Rochester Mayor Malik Evans.

The city worked with an organization called Brady, using 11 years’ worth of data from the Rochester police department.

“This study confirms with hard evidence what we have long known, the pipeline of guns flowing into our city does not begin in Rochester but the people of Rochester are paying the price,” said Evans.

The report states that 57% of guns used in Rochester crimes came from out of state sources and that all were purchased legally.

But Evans says there’s still a homegrown problem with guns.

“More than 1,600 of them come from just 30 dealers,” said Evans. "More than half of guns from the top 30 dealers come from dealers within Monroe County.”

According to the Brady report, the guns are coming from suburban dealers and chain stores. There are currently no gun dealers operating within the city of Rochester.

City Councilmember Willie Lightfoot says there’s a people problem within the city.

“We have people who are intentionally trafficking guns in our inner city. We have people using laws to protect gun manufacturers,” said Lightfoot.

City leaders plan to use this study to develop initiatives to stop the flow of illegal guns into the city and target problematic dealers. They’re also encouraging other cities to do similar studies to get an idea of the issue across the state.