ROCHESTER, N.Y. — New York state colleges are showing a trend toward transitioning into university titles. 

Effective June 1, Nazareth College will become Nazareth University.

What You Need To Know

  • Nazareth College's Board of Trustees voted to approve transitioning the college name to Nazareth University, effective June 1

  • Many colleges are already fulfilling university requirements and criteria

  • Colleges are known for their undergraduate program, but larger universities typically have a stronger focus on also providing graduate programs

  • Higher education research shows many colleges are already using a university model, like providing masters and even doctoral programs

Nazareth will also be among the many to become a university that leaves graduating seniors and alumni with their hands tied. 

“I will have Nazareth College on my diploma,” Nazareth senior Sam Reisinger said. “I’m looking to apply for graduate schools right now and the admissions end pretty soon. And so I can’t technically use Nazareth University on my applications yet.”

This is something he believes would help his chances of being accepted. 

“I'd feel a little bit better saying that I am part of the university than I would be with a college title," he said. 

The difference between these types of institutions may include larger universities having a stronger focus on providing additional graduate programs, while colleges are typically more well known for their undergraduate programs in community colleges, technical schools and liberal arts colleges. 

“There is definitely an emphasis on the liberal arts side of things [at Nazareth College], but with that liberal arts kind of background, it kind of makes it more of a blend,” Reisinger said. 

This mix of opportunities may be a reason many colleges are making the jump. 

“I’m interested to see if maybe the programs will broaden,” Reisinger said.

But according to Nazareth College's Associate Director of Admissions Sean Hanlon, course variety is always something the school is working on. 

"We want to be able to grow in a space that society needs,” Hanlon said. 

Higher education research shows this title-changing trend is often because colleges are already using a university model, such as providing masters and even doctoral programs. Many colleges are hoping these additional offerings help put them on the map. 

“I presume there will be opportunities within that structure that more grant writing programs could look at Nazareth now being as a university,” Hanlon says. 

Extra grants are a part of Nazareth's hopes to bring more opportunity, and ultimately potentially more students, to the school. 

“I think the benefits for having a university as the name will probably attract more people to the programs, especially like international students for sure,” Reisinger said. “It certainly will draw more attention and then people when they get to the campus will make their decisions from there.” 

More opportunity, money and students could adjust the meaning of a small school atmosphere for prospective students. 

“The benefits of being a small school is definitely the probably closer interaction you have with the faculty,” Reisinger said. “And that was part of the reason why I came here.” 

Other students may fear the university experience could mean a more expensive higher education experience. 

“Students might be concerned with tuition,” Reisinger said. “The tuition should be based off of program depth and the education that we receive. It’s a delicate balance of trying to make it affordable, but at the same time offer all the opportunities that we do offer." 

Hanlon says the college or university experience will be up to future students to make the most of.