ROCHESTER, N.Y. — There's a new dominant strain of the COVID-19 omicron variant, BA.5. It's causing an increase in cases across the country.

But what about in the Rochester area?

Dr. Emil Lesho, an infectious disease specialist at Rochester Regional Health, discussed how this variant compares to other strains.

He says BA.5. is even more contagious than its predecessors.

As for the good news, health officials say that has not translated to an increase in hospitalizations at RRH facilities.

Lesho says there's a misconception that new variants are less severe, but says BA.5 can still be dangerous to some.

"When we say 'yes, it's not more severe,' not more severe should not be construed to mean not severe, or not serious in those who are susceptible to severe infections, such as if you're not fully vaccinated," Lesho said.

In the latest COVID numbers, Monroe County is currently reporting an average of 113 cases per day, with 173 people hospitalized with the virus.